ID: C34

Female, 06.05.1998


Experience in the food industry, preparation of dishes and confectionery products, compliance with the timing and quality of products, knowledge of technological processes.

Language skills

  • Ukrainian, Russian
  • English
  • Estonian (A1)

Work experience

  • 09.2020 - 08.2021
  • Cook
  • Счастье на Русановке
  • Food Industry
Preparation of various dishes in accordance with the technological charts. Portioning and serving dishes, monitoring the shelf life of products and finished products, disposal of spoiled products. Keeping equipment clean.
  • 07.2018 - 08.2020
  • Cook
  • Baker Street
  • Food Industry
Preparation of desserts (eclairs) on the technological charts, according to the order of the buyer. Packing finished desserts and preparing them for shipment to the customer. Control of shelf life of products, disposal of spoiled. Keeping the workplace and equipment clean.


  • 2015 - 2019
  • Киевский национальный лингвистический институт
Philology (English)

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