
ID: A58

Female, 15.09.1987


A young and hard-working production worker who has worked as a baker in the food industry. Has undergone professional training in various companies.

Language skills

  • Ukraine, Russian

Work experience

  • 04.2019 - 08.2022
  • Pagar
  • Bassano
  • Production / Industry
Production of various bakery and pastry products.
  • 02.2013 - 06.2017
  • Pagar
  • Erinevad ettevõtted
  • Production / Industry
He has worked in various bakeries, mastering a variety of techniques, from dough rising to decorating finished products.


  • 2002 - 2005
  • Реутенский Профисиональный Аграрный Лицей

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